Left ovary: 10mm, 13mm, 14mm, 16mm
I have to shoot myself in the belly with a needle in two hours and I'm SICK thinking about it. Aghhhh! Scott wants to videotape it and put it on You Tube. I'm just wondering if I should have him inject it or not.
The shot is HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), which is used to induce (or "trigger) ovulation. It is also the culprit of my positive test last cycle. It's the hormone that the tests measure for - your body starts producing HCG the minute an embryo implants in your uterine lining. Anyway, the shot will cause each mature follicles to release an egg. Then we go in 36 hours later for the IUI, which is tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. We're trying different timing this month...last cycle we did it 24 hours after trigger and that obviously didn't work. So we'll see.

Kay, all done. Didn't even feel the needle, but let me tell you - sticking myself with that thing was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I sat here for about 10 minutes thinking there is NO way.
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