Saline Sonogram (SHG) went fine. He (Dr. Hinckley was in another office, so her collegue did the procedure) said my uterus was "normal" and I was like "hey, finally something tests normal". Sara, my previous IUI nurse, just laughed. She's used to my sarcasm about my cob-webbed reproductive organs.
I was really pleased by the antral follie count which are dormant follies in your ovaries. They didn't do a detailed count but he was like "one, two, three, five, seven,'re looking good" and had over a dozen on the right too. Apparently REALLY good for my FSH level - they want to see at least 6 on each side for an IVF cycle. This is no indication of how many follicles I'll end up with, but it's a good sign of things to come.
Sara is going to talk to my RE about getting me on Estrace or something to help with my E2 level. She said it's low, but it shouldn't be an issue at this point.
Inject class was good. We had to wait like 30 minutes for another couple that was doing their SHG which pissed me off because I could have been home having breakfast...I was STARVING by the time we ate at noon. Threw DOWN a cheeseburger. Anyway, I'm all cool with all the needles and medicine mixing, but whoa...that PIO (progesterone in oil) needle is NO joke. It's like 1.5 inches long and it's 2-3 times thicker than the stim needles. I have no issues with Lupron, Follistim or Ovidrel shots, but ugh...the PIO is freaking me out! But my clinic does allow for the use of endometrin suppositories 3x a day instead. I'm trying to decide - needle 1x a day by Scott (which is part of my worry because when he was doing the test shot on the fake skin he was inserting the needle WAY slow), or messy panty liner wearing 3x a day. Hmmm...I think I'm leaning towards panty liners.
I stop BCPs on May 10 and my next appointment is on May 11. Some of my meds delivered today. I've graduated from using the butter tray area to a veggie drawer.
Please God...let this work for us. Please.
6 years ago
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