We had 21 eggs retrieved this morning!!! Some of them won't be mature enough to be viable, but either way, we are THRILLED. Can't wait to find out tomorrow how many fertilized.
IV and anesthesia were nothing, but I did have some bleeding issues. When I was in the recovery room, I felt like I had to pee really bad. So they sat me up to get up and I felt a gush. Then when I stood up, I felt again again. LOTS of blood. They thought it was a one time thing of blood that had pooled. So I went to the restroom, and then they had me get back in bed. About 20 minutes later she checked and I seemed to be okay, so she said I could get up and get dressed. As soon as I stood up, gushed again. So I had to go into the exam room and have it looked at...speculum and all. Turns out I had a clot that they removed and then the bleeding completely stopped. Hopefully no more of that...it was a miscarriage flashback big time!
I was a bit crampy right afterwards, but feeling okay now. SO excited for tomorrow's phone call! Off to rest.
Evening update: Holy bloat, batman! You should see my belly. Pretty crampy still, but I'm dealing. I don't get bad AF cramps, so I guess this is my payback.
About to take my slew of meds...Medrol, Doxycycline, Baby Aspirin, Flaxseed Oil, Omega 3, PreNatal and an Endometrin suppository...joy of joys!
I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight. Can't wait to hear about my babies!!!!!
6 years ago
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