Friday, October 9, 2009

Well, this never happens!

Yesterday's beta BLEW me OUT of the water.  Do you know that my highest beta for 18dpo was 330?  And did you know that I'm now above the average for twin AND triplet+  pregnancies according to 

     Single pregnancy at 18dpo:  406
     Twin pregnancy at 18dpo:  803
     Triplet+ pregnancy at 18dpo:  1171
     My beta yesterday at 18dpo:  2783

Breathe, sigh, breathe, sigh...

I know if God gives us triplets, it's because he thinks we can handle it.  But we're hoping God blesses us with twins.  Heatlhy, beautiful twins!  We'd be just as thrilled with one healthy baby too.  We're already so blessed and so grateful.

For your viewing pleasure:



  1. I am soo excited for you! Can't wait to see your first u/s!

  2. No matter how many you have, I will be there to help you take care of him/her/them! I am so thrilled that your numbers are beyond expectations. It may be overwhelming but you're right, God won't give you more than you can handle. His loving hand is in all of this and we have all been praying for this moment. What a blessing!!!!
