Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I Graduated! Wow!

Such a bittersweet day.  I woke up this morning feeling rather negative about things.  I know, shocking, right?  This whole symptom thing has thrown me for a loop.  I guess I just always assumed the symptoms would get worse no matter what, but they sure haven't!  They most definitely come and go. 

Work was crazy this morning.  I got stuck in another building waiting for someone that showed up 30 minutes late.  I drove back to my building and my fabulous boss met me in the parking lot with my purse, a bottle of water and a banana, handed me my keys and sent me on my way.  S and I met up at our usual spot and got on the freeway...and stopped.  Traffic was horrendous.  So here I was late, flustered and starving.  Ugh...I could have screamed.

We arrived 10 minutes late - a good recovery if I do say so myself.  As I sat in the waiting room, my legs were literally shaking from the nerves.  We got called back, and as soon as Dr. H walked in the room I started crying.  I was SO scared.  Seven weeks.  Here we were at seven weeks again.  Seven weeks was when I found out that baby #1 needed a miracle to make it.  Seven weeks is when I had a D&C for baby #3.  Seven weeks is a HUGE milestone for us.  And man...what a milestone it was! 

Baby A and Baby B both measured in at 7 weeks 1 day.  Baby A had a heartbeat of 144 and Baby B had a heartbeat of 150.  My babies actually GREW.  What a concept!  And then she said it...I don't think we need to see you again.  Say huh?  I graduated?  But...but...I was going to bake cookies?   My little chin was on the ground - happy as can be, but sad too.  I mean, I've been seeing these fabulous people pretty much bi-weekly since April of 2008.  They've watched me go through SUCH a fight to get where I am.  They've celebrated my ups and they've let me cry on their shoulders during the downs.  And now I'm done seeing them?  Bittersweet for sure.  RSC has been fabulous to me and I can't WAIT for my babies to meet the people that helped us bring them into this world.

So without further ado...here are my little bugs!  I am SO in love already!!!



  1. YAY!! I'm so excited for you!! It was SUCH a scary day when I "graduated" from the RE too... I hope you're able to fit right in with all the other preggos at the OB's office. Way to cook little ones -- keep growing!

  2. So happy for you...I love your new design...what's the secret??? I'm about to send you a msg on FF...LOL
