Sunday, October 11, 2009

Week 5: Appleseed


Your embryo (looking kind of like a tadpole) is starting to form major organs (heart, kidney, liver, stomach) and systems (nervous, circulatory, digestive). Baby's presence in your uterus triggers production of hCG (the hormone detected by pregnancy tests)... which triggers production of other hormones like estrogen and progesterone... which trigger all those great symptoms you've probably been noticing!

Photo and text courtesy of


  1. Jen,
    I am so happy for you :) You deserve this and sooo much more !
    Mrs C from ff....

  2. hi Jen,

    Love youre blog.
    I'am 6w3d, hoping to hear a hb next thursday!
    big hugs and kisses from Holland
    God bless you


  3. Don't leave our board, we miss you! I have seen you on the MAY board (I think that's the one), but stick around for us! We need the encouragement. I am so glad I found your blog. I just nominated your for an award! I hope you don't mind. Check out my site for details!
