We had great plans for last night - we were so excited for dinner with two of our favorite couples. I had lounged around for most of the day relaxing. I got up to shower and get ready at about 3pm. At 4pm we were getting ready to walk out the door and I felt like something was "there". I went to the bathroom and was devastated to find pink on the toilet paper. The next wipe was red. And then more red. I sat on the toilet crying, thinking here we go again. I pulled out my miscarriage panties and the big granny pad, and cancelled with my friends.
I called the clinic, and fortunately my RE was the one on call. She was so calm. She told me that there are many reasons for people to bleed in early pregnancy - that it is very common. She said that if I am carrying twins, it's even more common. She also said that people on Lovenox often bleed more than someone not on it. She told me to skip the baby aspirin tonight, drink my water, stay on bedrest for the night, and she moved my ultrasound up. It's now at 12:45 today. I'm SO grateful that she is working today.
The bleeding turned to brown last night, and this morning is very scant. I'm feeling relieved, but I can't lie...I'm in a total panic about my ultrasound this morning. I know that we may or may not see a heartbeat, being at 6 weeks today. But it will be hard to be hopeful, given my past, if we don't see a heartbeat today.
Please keep our baby(s) in your prayers. I just CAN'T lose another one.
6 years ago
Jen.... you are absolutely in my prayers. I think you remember all the bleeding I had with this pregnancy, and your RE is absolutely right too, there is more chance of bleeding with twins and on blood thinners. I'll keep praying and praying until you're holding those little ones in your hands. {{hugs}}