The scan went great. Their nuchal folds measured 1.3 and 1.6 which is below the 2mm "there might be a problem" coverline. I loved seeing our little ones on the screen. They were kicking and squirming like crazy. SO amazing. The babies were measuring 12w5d and 12w6d and heartbeats were 155 and 156. Fabulous news all around!!! Here are my little loves!!! Cuties, huh?

Then the Perinatologist came in, checked on all the measurements, and talked about what lies ahead. We had previously been told we wouldn't be sent for the first trimester screening blood work because our third sac (blighted ovum) would skew the results, but then he said because he couldn't see the third sac, he was going to run the bloodwork portion of the scan anyways. This was a little upsetting to me, because I was happy and thrilled with the news we already had, and I've heard way too many stories of false positives with twins/triplets. But I gave up the blood and then we left for lunch.
We came back after lunch and met with the Genetic Counselor. She went over our family, medical and reproductive histories. We talked in detail about odds and false postives and the "what ifs", and I told her that I wasn't sure I wanted them to run my blood. She said that they could cancel the order if that was what I decided. In the end, she felt like my results would be better than the results from my embyro age, which is 1:150, so we went ahead with it. We did decline doing a CVS and I'm 99% sure we won't do an amnio either. They'll call with the blood results in about 10 days.
So overall it was a GREAT day and I couldn't be happier. I still can't believe these two little people will be in our arms in 6 short months! I'm still in a daze!!!
What amazing news. And they look so fantastic!
ReplyDeleteHow absolutely wonderful! Hey! Where's the updated belly picks!!!! I want to watch your belly grow!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThat's wonderful Jen. Your LOs are beautiful.
ReplyDeleteToo cute! I am so happy things went well.