Sunday, May 16, 2010

Does this Bump Make my Boobs Look Small?


That is my view looking South. Craziness!

We made it to 36 weeks! Woohoo! I can't EVEN believe I'm TWELVE days away from being a mommy! Life is GOOD!


  1. Congrats on the birth of the girls Jen! Their weights are fabulous and I am so excited to see pictures soon. Congrats!
    - Kerri from FF

  2. Hi Jen - are you using a new website to post pics and info?? email me Thanks!

  3. Hi Jen, it's Alysia. Hopefully you still check your comments from this blog from time to time. I wanted to talk to you about your first FET and how there was no growth on the u/s. I'm finally pregnant from our IVF cycle and really apprehensive. Can you email me at I would LOVE to chat with you....

    Look forward to talking to you.....

  4. You never finished your update!! Probably because you went into labor and were very busy!! haha..our stories sound the same and I wanted to see how everything had turned out for you. If you check this, please send me an email I would love to talk to you! Thanks and I hope everything is going well for you. I am due probably in the next 5-7 weeks with b/g twins. :)
